Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day Fourteen & Fifteen: Untitled

On Monday I woke up to an email from someone at the agency announcing that our print ads calling for creatives to consider Detroit and our blog went up. We also had a five minute window to interview ROB HENDRICKSON, Creative Director here at GlobaHue about his feelings on Detroits Ad scene and what he looks for in potential creative prospects.

A fellow co-worker suggested we try a restaurant in Southfield called BEANS AND CORNBREAD - This was the best reco we've had thus far. Aubrey had salmon croquettes and fried catfish. Albert had jerk chicken, mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. Albert loves loves starch. Fat guy. Also for all you drunks out there they have $1.99 peach martinis on Monday. It wasn't too much of a scene, but there were plenty of single people to go around. And perhaps married ones too if thats what you dig. SIDENOTE: They have a martini named GRAPE Kool-Aid. NICE!!! Who doesn't like grape kool-aid? Good looking on the reco Trapp. See the rating below.

After lunch we started reading all the comments about the print ads and our blog. It's great to see all the passion the people of the "D" have for their city. We're honored to be living here.

Later that evening we hit REVIVE boutique in Birmingham. Pretty dope spot. They carry mostly THE HUNDREDS L.A. brand and some of their own. They also have cool mountain bikes. One cool feature was the VIP room, which i'm sure Aubrey will constantly be in. You may wanna check it out but be prepared to spend between $400 - $1,000 for a pair of kicks. Or if you got your income taxes, this would be a good place (THE VIP ROOM) to go. There's also an X-Box in the VIP area as well. Albert's on a budget so he didn't get anything (trying to get a hooptie). But in typical Aubrey fashion he bought a couple things. See our rating below.

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