Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day Eight: Cool like that

So, I signed my lease yesterday on a house. It's weird because the money i was paying to live in a 1300 sq feet apt in south loop chicago is more expensive than this big house with a theater room. Yeah baby! A theater room. I can't wait until albert and i produce something and watch it run on the big screen. Here's a pic from my balcony in chicago and here's some pics of the new fly crib.

I hope I fit into this neighborhood. We will see. I like to throw parties and hopefully the neighbors won't feel compelled to call the friggin cops. I think i'll go to the local police station and drop off a couple dozen donuts and headshot of myself just to make sure they know me.

So, after I signed the lease Albert and I went to the Southfield library. The building itself is amazing. Great modern architecture. It's no Frank Gehry, but what really is? So we enter with limited expectations, boy were we wrong. This is the best library I EVER BEEN TO. It's more of a museum if you ask us. People were all over the place using the computers or just reading and having coffee. Matter of fact they have a coffee shop in there along with small conference room that available on a first come basis. Secondly the children's area has original lithographs of Dr. Suess books and a huge 7ft version of him. There's also a castle environment with a kings chair, a huge sleeping dragon that actually snores. And on every floor there's a massive fireplace in the middle of the architecture. The one on the children's floor has a huge tree that you can go in and read to your kids or sneak a shot of Jack Daniels in.

After the Library/Museum we went to DICK O' DOWDS on 160 W. Maple Rd Birmingham, MI 48009
It seems like a cool after work Irish pub with alot of Advertising heads in it. It's right down the block from McCann Erickson. We met a couple agency producers there and they were cool, but perhaps a bit pompous as well. After a few drinks we headed out. Check out the images below.

As we were walking out of O'Dowd's we noticed a sneaker boutique. It wasn't open yet and it looked pretty bad ass. It's called REVIVE -
They have a grand opening this weekend 11/14/09 and I will BE in the building. So we can't rate this because it's not open but I got a feeling it will be bad ass. Check out the images below.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww Aubrey soooo good to see you are doing your thang as always!!! And my boy Albert, tell him I said what up!!! Two of the most talented cats I know-I know ya'll will do BIG THANGS!!! Gotta connect man! - Jinean
